
Showing posts from May, 2016

Rennie Bottali

Rennie Bottali asks where are the home console ports of modern arcade titles Rennie Bottali asks where are the home console ports of modern arcade titles? Just about every manufacturer social media page gets this question asked of them in some form although they tend to not answer since explaining it in details isn’t something that fits on a bumper sticker. The quick answer is that there are various factors to consider due to how the arcade market works that makes it more involved than simply changing the control input and printing money from there. Creative Flexibility : Rennie Bottali says when you create a game with a particular platform in mind, aspects of that platform can limit how the game operates in practice. There are limitations of the console hardware itself then the limitations of the controller. Manufacturers have expanded what controllers can do, especially with the WiiU but you still generally have that framework to operate in. Exceptions a...

Rennie Bottali


Rennie Bottali
